During his time in Sacramento, the infamous state senator from San Francisco has authored and co-authored a disturbing number of bills—many have become law—threatening California families.

Replace Anti-Children-Family Senator Scott Wiener

Senate Bill 145 (2020): Decriminalization of Pedophilia (Enacted)

Permits pedophiles to avoid the sex registry so long as the age difference between themselves and their lover/victim – is 10 years or less.

Assembly Bill 957 (2023): Transition your Child or Lose Custody (Vetoed)

Would have mandated judges to give custody to the parent who is willing to support and affirm the gender identity of the child. Forced social and medical transition.

Assembly Bill 665 (2023): State Sanctioned Kidnapping (Enacted)

Permits children 12 and older to emancipate themselves and go to government-affiliated shelters for any reason - without any claim of danger in the home.

Senate Bill 107 (2022): California is a Transgender Sanctuary State (Enacted)

Turned California into a refuge for transgender youth and families. Minors can run away to California to obtain transgender drugs and surgeries if their parents don’t consent. Custody agreements of the parents’ home state will be ignored. Law enforcement won’t help find the child if he is here for sex change procedures.

Senate Bill 407 (2023): Foster Family Discrimination (Enacted)

Requires Foster families to support transgender chemical and medical procedures. Families with religious beliefs are no longer qualified to be foster families. Senate Bill 866 (2022): Minor Consent to Vaccination (Failed) Would have permitted 12-year-olds to consent to a vaccine without parental consent or knowledge.

Senate Bill 866 (2022): Minor Consent to Vaccination (Failed)

Would have permitted 12 year-olds to consent to a vaccine without parental consent or knowledge.

Assembly Bill-5 (2023): School Indoctrination Overdrive (Enacted)

Forces teachers to become gender indoctrinators and detectives. Educators must identify LGBTQ students and assess their families’ views with the possibility of removing the child from a family who refuses to transition the child.

Wiener’s Progressive social agenda threatens California’s peace and safety!

Assembly Bill 1028 (2023): Betraying Assault Victims (Failed)

It would have removed the reporting obligations of medical providers for women who are victims of abuse unless the abuse involved a gun – removing a much-needed off-ramp for sex-trafficked and abused women.

Senate Bill 357 (2022): Legalizes Loitering and Sex Trafficking (Enacted)

Decriminalizes loitering so that sex workers and pimps can line city streets half-dressed, high on drugs. Also, it prevents law enforcement from rescuing women and children who may be victims of sex trafficking.

Senate Bill 132 (2020): Places Violent Men in Women’s Prisons (Enacted)

Permits men to self-identify as women to gain entry into women’s prisons. Now, trans women who murdered females and children are housed with females.

Senate Bill 57 (2022): Safe Injection Site (Failed)

They would have created injection sites for illegal drugs all over California. Instead of rehabilitation assistance, Wiener wanted to make it easier to be an addict.

Senate Bill 58 (2023): A Wonderland of Legalized Psychedelics (Enacted)

Legalized psychedelics. In 2022, Wiener wanted to legalize mushrooms, MDMA, and Ketamine, a date rape drug. More drugs, more crime, more homeless, more overdoses, more sex trafficking.

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